Products & Technologies


The STARLIMS Mobile Solution allows you and your staff to collect, access, and analyze valuable lab data on the move. Record sample information on-site, view testing results, and take immediate action on your entire sample and product lifecycle process anywhere, anytime. Google and Apple Store Icon

REDUCE WORKFLOW DELAYS Keep lab operations going wherever you are. Review inventory or results data and approve workflows without being in the office.

EASY TO USE Truly a mobile experience built for touchscreens, the STARLIMS mobile app is tailored to provide an intuitive interface on a smaller screen so you feel like you’re on your office desktop

REDUCE TRANSCRIPTION ERRORS Go paperless and collect data electronically, whether at sample collection sites, or at a workbench.

USE READY-MADE TEMPLATES Use our off-the-shelf templates to get started on your mobile experience. We are continually working to add new features and capabilities to our mobile solution.

BUILD YOUR OWN APP Take advantage of the HTML5 Designer and existing STARLIMS skillsets and coding assets to create a custom app for your organization’s needs. Deploy finished iOS and Android solutions through the STARLIMS mobile app on the Apple or Google Play app stores.

MANAGERIAL SUPPORT Take business-critical action from anywhere. STARLIMS Mobile solution allows lab and production managers to stay connected at all times to authorize results, see status updates, or make other important decisions based on real-time results

PERSONNEL SUPPORT Lab technicians and warehouse personnel can stay out in the field while still being connected to the office. Sample data entry, including noting GPS location and adding photos, can all be done from a mobile device. Barcoding scanning functionality also allows remote users to identify inventory and change inventory location and quantity on the go.